Why You Can’t Rely on Motivation

Sophia taking a shameless selfie at the gym. I'm not always motivated but I have a goal in mind so I put in the work even if it's not perfect all the time.

You’ve heard it before: “How do you stay motivated at the gym?”, “I have no motivation to do these chores.” It’s like it’s the secret to getting anything done. Here’s why you can’t rely on motivation.

Why You Can’t Rely on Motivation

I’ll cut to the chase: motivation ain’t gonna cut it long term.

There have been so many times where I feel extremely motivated to do something but literally 5 minutes later, it’s gone and I dread doing anything.

If we relied on motivation, we’d never get anything done because what do we do when it’s gone?

What You Can Do Instead of Depending on Motivation

1. Have smaller goals

Sometimes, the idea or outcome of something is more exciting than the actual work. The actual work is daunting and overwhelming. I totally get that.

Breaking your goal down into smaller chunks can make the process more tolerable and manageable.

Say you want to move to another country. The end result of being in another country is wonderful. But the actual steps to get there? Buying a plane ticket, finding somewhere to stay, figuring out any visa requirements, deciding where to work, wondering if you’ll have enough money, etc… none of those are as exciting as actually being there.

But take it one step at a time. Rather than staring at everything you need to do, just put one foot in front of the other and get to work.

2. Be consistent

Don’t lose momentum as you work towards your goal. Do your best to tackle something every day or as often as you can.

I’m the kind of person where if I don’t work at something regularly, I’ll lose my motivation, I’ll “forget” about it, and everything gets pushed back. But once I make it a habit, it’s harder for me to break it.

The gym’s a great example. Before I was a regular at the gym, it was so hard for me to workout. I would quit often and it was never a part of my routine even though I wanted it to be. But once I got some momentum going, it became hard to stop. Not all days will be fun or perfect, but I made it a habit and that consistency is what helps me get closer to my goal.

3. Remember your “why”

When you feel your motivation dwindling, remember WHY you want to accomplish this goal. There must be something that sparked this desire in you. Remember it and use it to refocus yourself.

It’s easy to want to quit when things get hard. But if this is something you truly want, use your “why” as the thing to get you going again.

4. Be kind to yourself

At the end of the day, you’re a human being with fluctuating emotions and feelings. You may get frustrated with yourself when you can’t bring yourself to work towards your goal. That’s OK.

Sometimes forcing yourself to do something can backfire. When you rely on motivation, it can only take you so far. And no matter how hard you try, you end up making no progress at all. Take a break and give yourself some time to regroup. Come back with fresh eyes and a clear mind. Chances are you’ll feel much better and more prepared to make some progress!

Small Progress is Still Progress

Goals are great but depending on what they are, they can be daunting to achieve. When you think you’re moving along very slowly, remember that small and slow progress is still progress. You may not get there as fast as you thought you would, but you WILL get there. Trust yourself that you can do it.

What do you do when motivation fails?

3 Easy Make Ahead Breakfasts

Starting my days with a nutritious and filling breakfast is crucial. It comforts me and sets me up to tackle 2 jobs, the gym, my goals, and constant stress as I live through what feels like the apocalypse. Making a simple meal gives me a sense of normalcy. Also, because I’m incredibly impatient, I like these meals to be quick to make. With that, here are 3 easy make ahead breakfasts to start your day!

3 Easy Make Ahead Breakfasts

Egg White Oats

You can view how I make these egg white oats on my Instagram.

Egg white oats topped with blueberries and peanut butter. Vegan protein powder's in there, too.

Egg White Oatmeal

A protein packed and tasty way to jazz up your plan oats.
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Keyword: blueberries, breakfast, egg whites, meal prep, nut butter, oatmeal, oats, peanut butter, porridge, protein, protein powder, vegan protein powder
Servings: 1 bowl
Author: Sophia


Base Oats Ingredients

  • 3/4 cups dry oats (40g)
  • 1 tbsp vegan protein powder
  • 1 cup water
  • .45 cups egg whites (100mL)

Optional Toppings

  • Peanut butter
  • Blueberries
  • Trail mix


  • Mix dry oats and protein powder in a bowl.
  • Add water til it just covers the dry mixture and mix til incorporated. I eyeball this.
  • Microwave for 2 minutes.
  • Add egg whites and mix til incorporated.
  • Microwave for 1 minute.
  • Mix and keep microwaving until it's at your preferred consistency.
  • Add your toppings as you see fit

Protein Yogurt Bowl

I love topping my yogurt bowls with everything from fruit, nuts, granola, protein bars, cookies, and cake. It really runs the gamut. In the recipe below, I used an egg white cereal from Trust Foods.

Protein Greek yogurt bowl topped with blueberries, peanut butter, and egg white cereal.

Protein Greek Yogurt Bowl

Load it up as much or as little as you want for a filling breakfast or quick snack.
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes
Course: Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Keyword: blueberries, breakfast, cereal, dessert, egg white cereal, greek yogurt, nut butter, parfait, peanut butter, protein powder, snack, yogurt bowl
Servings: 1
Author: Sophia


Base Recipe Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt (170g)
  • 1 tbsp vegan protein powder

Optional Toppings

  • Blueberries
  • Peanut butter
  • Trust egg white cereal


  • In a cereal bowl, mix Greek yogurt and protein powder.
  • Add any and all toppings!

Protein Chia Pudding

Protein chia seed pudding with blueberries, peanut butter, and honey.

Protein Chia Seed Pudding

A protein-packed pudding loaded with healthy fats and flavor
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Course: Breakfast, Snack
Servings: 1 serving
Author: Sophia


Base Ingredients

  • 3/4 cup plant-based milk (~200mL)
  • 3 tbsp chia seeds (~35g)
  • 1 tbsp vegan protein powder

Optional Toppings

  • Blueberries
  • Mandarin
  • Peanut butter
  • Honey


  • Mix all base ingredients in a bowl.
  • Place in fridge for about 30 min or overnight. It should have a jelly-like consistency.
  • Add your toppings.

One Final Note

These recipes are 100% customizable to your needs and taste. But some key things to keep in mind are to include these 3 macronutrients in your foods.


Fats are essential so don’t skip out on this. It aids in absorbing nutrients and also helps produce hormones. If you’ve had amenorrhea/missed periods, this could be helpful in getting your period started again. But of course, consult with your ob/gyn first!


Carbs get such a bad rep and are constantly demonized. Bread and pasta are not the enemy! Carbs are key for energy. That’s why it’s recommended you eat an easy-to-digest carb before working out. It’s also essential for brain health and recovery.


Protein are the building blocks of not just your muscles but literally everything that makes you you. It also helps keep you feeling full after eating. While protein powders are available and can definitely have their place in a healthy diet, it’s recommended to get your protein from whole foods like beans, veggies, eggs/egg whites, fish, and meats.

2 Tips to be Successful in 2022

Sophia in Austin, Texas. It was in 2021 that I started doing things that changed my mindset from a fixed and stagnant one into one of growth and abundance. You can do it, too!

We’re a few short hours away from the new year over here on the west coast. I don’t know if it’s just me but it doesn’t feel like the end of one year and the start of another. It feels like any other day. In light of the start of a new year and many of us setting intentions, I thought I’d share 2 tips to be successful in 2022.

2 Tips to be Successful in 2022

1. Be ok with going at your own pace

This is a toughie because goals and deadlines can be a good thing. It gives us something to work towards and we feel that sense of accomplishment when we reach the finish line. But on the flip side, it can also put unnecessary pressure to do things when it’s not the right time for you yet.

I’ve had many moments where I felt I needed to do something right away. I stress myself out because it’s not thought out properly. I feel much more at ease when I know I have a goal and I can work on it at my own pace. It might be slower than I want but it allows me to be more mindful about my actions.

2. Ditch unrealistic timelines

I’ll admit I am very guilty of this so this is a reminder to myself as much as it is to you. Again, there’s nothing wrong with goals and deadlines but putting some thought behind it helps.

Here are some things to think about:

  • What do you want?
  • Can you realistically accomplish it in x amount of time?
  • Do you have what you need to accomplish this goal?
  • Will the end result be the same if you extended your deadline?

Let’s Do This!

I’m not super big on resolutions or NYE but I do plan on implementing the above to my life going forward. It’s easy to be caught up in the resolution-hype and begin planning these grand goals. I’m scaling it back a bit and taking things one step at a time. I have some big things I’d like to accomplish in 2022 and these tips will help keep me on track. I hope it does the same for you!

Let’s do this, 2022!