3 Things to Remember When You Feel Food Guilt

A photo of a very yummy vegetarian egg scramble and hummus sandwich with text over it saying "3 Things to Remember When You Feel Food Guilt"

I think it’s safe to say we’ve all had those moments where we’ve found snacks that are hard to say “no” to and before we know it, half the bowl is gone. Occasionally, we feel ashamed we allowed ourselves to indulge. Though I am better at dealing with it now, I still feel these feelings from time to time. With that, I want to share 3 things to remember when you feel food guilt that have helped me.

3 things to remember when you feel food guilt

  1. That overly-full feeling is temporary

Yes, it’s uncomfortable eating more than you’re used to or eating foods you’re not used to. In the moment, it may seem like that full feeling will never go away. But, trust me: it will. Your body needs to digest food, doesn’t it? Eventually your body will either process it or eliminate it. That full feeling won’t last forever. Let nature and biology do its thing and you’ll feel more normal in a day or so.

  1. Your body will self-regulate

After lots of food, you may notice your weight has gone up. I can understand why it would cause someone to freak out. I’ve felt that way myself; my anxiety creeps up and it’s all I can think about. But if you give your body a couple of days of what it’s used to, you’ll find that your body will settle back to how it was.

A scale weighs your entire body: fat, muscle, bones, water, and yes, the food you consumed. It fluctuates for a number of reasons: undigested food, you retained more water because of higher sodium foods, you hadn’t gone to the bathroom yet, etc.

But if you give yourself some time and go back to your usual habits, you’ll see your body will eventually come back to your maintenance.

  1. You’re only human

Remember, at the end of the day, you’re a human being. Give yourself grace when things don’t pan out the way you wanted them to. Indulging in your favorite snack a bit more than normal will not be the end of the world and it will not mean all the work you’ve put into your fitness and health was for nothing.

I like to remind myself that “it is what it is”. Meaning, it happened, it’s in the past, I can’t do anything about it now, and all I can do is move forward. My food guilt usually comes up in social settings where there’s lots to nibble on. I remind myself that I may have eaten more than I intended to but a) it doesn’t happen often, b) I was making memories with friends, and c) overall, I enjoyed myself. That’s more important to me than anything else.

Final Thoughts

Food is fuel but it’s also more than that. Food is nostalgia, memories, a way to bond with others, and an experience. If feelings of guilt creep up, know that it will pass and you will feel like you again soon. Understand that sometimes things don’t go according to plan, no matter what they are. And when they don’t, accept it, and know that you will be ok at the end of the day.

If you’re feeling any shame, I challenge you to say one kind thing to yourself and post it in the comments below!

How to stay on top of your nutrition while traveling

An aerial shot of meals and snacks I prepped for a domestic trip. Everything is labeled so I balance my food throughout the day. Being organized like this helps me achieve my fitness goals.

My eyes tend to be hungrier than my stomach when I’m traveling. Trying new foods is my favorite way of getting to know a new city or country. Since picking up macro counting in 2020, I’ve learned a few tricks along the way to be more mindful about my food choices. And now I want to share them with you so you know how to stay on top of your nutrition while traveling.

How to stay on top of your nutrition while traveling

  1. Plan ahead of time

A few days before a trip, I’ll pull out the Notes app on my phone to plan what foods I want to eat each day. I’ll typically pre-plan breakfast, lunch, and 1-2 snacks each day I’m away from home. I’ll leave dinner free so I can dine out. I also do this for the days I’m traveling to and from my destination. I like the guarantee that I’ll have something I enjoy eating and sits well with me.

Notes app screenshot of the food I bring with myself while traveling.
Notes app screenshot of the food I bring with myself while traveling.
  1. Package and label everything

When I’m traveling, I don’t want to spend my time worrying about what I’m going to eat for each meal. Hence the planning. I’d rather focus my attention on the activities I’m going to do. That’s why I package and label everything clearly so I know exactly what I’m eating and when. I use Post-It notes to label what I’m eating and pack it all in Stasher bags. They’re secure, sturdy, clear, and I love them.

I meal prep my food ahead of time and label everything so I know when to eat what I packed.
I meal prep my food ahead of time and label everything so I know when to eat what I packed.
  1. Keep it simple

I love an elaborate meal as much as the next person but when I’m traveling, I want something simple to prepare so I spend less time in the kitchen and more time exploring. I stick to simple ingredients that are easy to prepare and store. Here’s an example of a typical day of eating:

  • Breakfast – oatmeal packet, egg whites, peanut butter packet, blueberries
  • Lunch – tuna packets, rice cakes, eggs, greens
  • Snacks – Greek yogurt, berries, protein bar, banana
  • Dinner – restaurant food

Bonus tip: if you have leftovers at home that you need to get rid of, bring it with you! This saves you money and prevents unnecessary food waste

  1. Maximize on nutrients

I aim to have a balance of carbs, fats, and protein in my meals. Obviously, when you don’t have access to your kitchen and your own ingredients, it can be a bit more tricky to maintain a well-balanced diet. Most foods you buy out tend to be more carb and fat dominant which isn’t always a bad thing but protein tends to be lacking. That’s why I love bringing my own foods for a few meals; I’m more likely to hit my protein goals.

If you’re not tracking macros, not to worry! Just keep it simple: aim for whole foods and to have some carb, protein, and fat source in your meals.

  1. Be kind to yourself

When you’re traveling or on vacation, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and indulge more than you planned to. It’s also easy to beat yourself up over it and feel guilty about it. This is your reminder that it’s not the end of the world if you end up eating more than you wanted to. You’re only human and honestly, food is fun and to be enjoyed! Yes, you may feel more bloated but once you go back to your usual meals and drink enough water, your body will feel more normal again. A few moments of increased food intake will just be little blips in the long run.

I hope my tips on staying on top of your nutrition while traveling help you in your trip planning! Is there anything you want to read more of or maybe you have tips of your own? Share your thoughts by posting a comment! 🙂